Monday, February 28, 2022

Indian Poetics

                    Indian Poetics

Indian Poetics lectures was held by the guest lectures Dr. Vinod Joshi. He explained us various schools like Rasa, Alamkara ,Riti , Dhvani, Vakrokti, Aucitya.

Introduction of Indian Poetics 

Indian poetry and Indian literature in general, has a long history dating back to Vedic times. They were written in various Indian languages .The poetry reflects diverse spiritual traditions within India. In particular, many Indian poets have been inspired by mystical experiences. Poetry is the oldest form of literature and has a rich written and oral tradition.

Various types of Schools their thinkers and text.

1)School of Rasa - Bharata 
2)School of Alamkara- Bhamaha 
3)School of Riti- Vamana 
4) School of Dhvani- Anandavardhana 
5)School of Vakrokti- Kuntaka
6)School of Aucitya- Kshemendra


1)Natya Shastra
3)Kayalankara Sutra

1)School of Rasa

There are nine types of rasa 
Everyone has different understanding like Sir told in second lecture about Rasa anubhuti 
Writers have different thoughts she/he don't have same thinking ability. Same way readers understand are also different ,mindsets are different so Rasa anubhuti are also different. From choices one can understand his/her taste (vyaktitva).All have rational thinking. 
Sanskrit define was given by Bharata vibhava,anubhava,vyabhicaribhava.

2)School of Alamkara

In the eighth lecture Sir talked about Alamkara. Language is real ornament. To show the beauty of language alamkara is even used in poem by which becomes more enchanting. 
For example
  દમયંતિનુ મુખ ચંદ્ર જેવું છે.
In alamkara there is two types artha, shabda alamkara.
1) Artha alamkara which ornaments the meaning of the word.
2)Shabdalankara which ornaments its sound.

3)School of Riti 

Riti means his/her style of writing. Style is the identification of Matter and Method. Method is more important than matter. Style is important aspect of writer. Unique and different styles attracts more attention. Style remains permanent not the writer. For example Unique style of writing is still praised even if writer is not present. 

4)School of Dhvani 

Anandavardhana told kavya nu aatma dhavni che. This three things are important Speak,Listen, Understand. 
એક બિલાડી જાડી - અભિધા
તેણે પહેરી સાડી - લક્ષણા
તળાવમાં તો મગર - વ્યંજના

5)  School of Vakrokti 
Vakra + Ukti = Vakrokti
There are six different types of Vakrokti suggested by Kuntaka in his Vakrokti-Jivitam
Those are as follows:-
1) Varnavinyasa Vakrata
2)Padapurvardha Vakrata
3) Pratyaya vakrata
5)Prakarana vakrata
6)Prabandha vakrata

6) School of Aucitya 

Kshemendra mentions twenty seven places in which propriety should be present. All these proprieties may be divided into five major proprieties:- 
1)Bhasha aucitya
2) saundaryaucitya  
4)Samskriti aucitya
5)Pratibha aucitya  

Sunday, February 27, 2022

W.B Yeast :Poem Analysis

                    William Butler Yeast 

        William Butler Yeats[a] (13 June 1865 – 28 January 1939) was an Irish poet, dramatist, writer and one of the foremost figures of 20th-century literature. He was a driving force behind the Irish Literary Revival and became a pillar of the Irish literary establishment who helped to found the Abbey Theatre, and in his later years served two terms as a Senator of the Irish Free State.
       He was a Symbolist poet, using allusive imagery and symbolic structures throughout his career. W.B Yeast got noble prize in literature 1923 was awarded to William Butler Yeats "for his always inspired poetry, which in a highly artistic form gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation."

Thinking Activity 

1)Critical analysis of W.B Yeast poem' The Stolen Child '.

This is  one of his most famous poem, 'The Stolen Child'. Its major theme is the loss of innocence as a child grows up. Written in 1886 when Yeats was just 21, 'The Stolen Child' is one of his works that is strongly rooted in Irish mythology.

 The Stolen Child, is of four stanzas. Nature and the land of fairies present images of freedom throughout the first three stanzas. The first three stanzas of the poem The Stolen Child has Celtic references . Celtic legend often offers a myth about fairies stealing a child and replacing it with a changeling. Yeats uses this myth in his poem, The Stolen Child. He uses this myth to show his desire to return innocence to society. The poet uses the island’s image to symbolize the separation of the real world and the freedom that it creates for the fairies. “There lies a leafy island” refers to a place far away from the world of pain, which is the real world in which we dwell. The ‘wild’ represent the unrestricted life led by the fairies.

On the other hand, the poet has used repetend in The Stolen Child. There is a repetend at the end of each stanza .There is also a contrast in the repetend in the poem. The human world is full of joys and sorrows, and tears and laughter.

W.B Yeast has used vivid imagery in the poem. In the end of the poem  the child goes to the island with the fairies. The child looks serious. The fairies say that the child will no longer hear the sound of the calves on the hillside or the sound of the kettle over the fire that gives him warmth.

2)Pandemic Reading of poem' The Second Coming '.


Turning and turning in the widening gyre   

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere   

The ceremony of innocence is drowned;

The best lack all conviction, while the worst   

Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;

Surely the Second Coming is at hand.   

The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out   

When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi

Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert   

A shape with lion body and the head of a man,   

A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,   

Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it   

Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.   

The darkness drops again; but now I know   

That twenty centuries of stony sleep

Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,   

And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,   

Slouches towards Bethlehem to be 

Pandemic Reading of Poem The Second Coming 
We can say that the poem was written 1919
So we can connect this poem with influenza  flu  Yeats  wife Georgie Hyde-Lees caught the virus and was very close to death. The highest death rates of the pandemic were among pregnant women, in some areas, they had up to a 70 percent death rate. While his wife was recovering from illness, he wrote "The Second Coming".

The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere   
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
This lines symbolizes the pandemic situation of influenza flu blood were flowing from nose ,ears it seems like the blood is indicating influenza .The ceremony of innocence indicates people dying of influenza flu and we can also connect with  Corona pandemic. 

Things fall apart; the center cannot hold;
We can connect this lines with Corona pandemic that it was out of control there was scarcity of doctors and ventilators and even oxygen cylinders situation was out of control. So connect this lines the center cannot hold. 

Sunday, February 20, 2022

The Waste Land

                       T.S Eliot 

T.S Eliot is very famous and interesting poet in the English literature. Thomas Stearns Eliot   born in 26 September 1888 – 4 January 1965, "one of the twentieth century's major poets", was also an essayist, publisher, playwright, and literary and social critic. Born in St. Louis Missouri to a prominent Boston Brahman family, he moved to England in 1914 at the age of 25 and would settle, work, and marry there. He became a British Subject  in 1927 at the age of 39, subsequently renouncing his American passport.

     About 'The Waste land' 


     Eliot politely insisted that the title was three words beginning with "The". In the modern time style of epic writing is very famous. Epic is very famous this time. This time T.S. Eliot  writes very big a nd long Epic The Waste Land. The waste land is very long Epic. The waste land is divided into five part. This all part are as follows : 

      After a fourth section, "Death by Water," which includes a brief lyrical petition, the end point fifth section, "What the Thunder Said," concludes with an image of judgment.

Thinking Activity 

1.What are your views on the following image after reading 'The Waste Land'? Do you think that Eliot is regressive as compared to Nietzche's views? or Has Eliot achieved universality of thought by recalling mytho-historical answer to the contemporary malaise?

Eliot stands for Regressive, backward looking as it tries to find answers of contemporary malaise in Upanishad, Buddhism and Christianity.

On the other side Nietzche stands for progressive and forward looking, in giving solution to the problem of contemporary crises in faith and self.

Yes, I think Eliot view regressive to compare with Nietzsche view like progressive. 
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche was a German philosopher, cultural critic and philologist whose work has exerted a profound influence on modern intellectual history. He 
gave the concept of Ubermensch .A person who seems superhuman, with astounding powers, can be called an Ubermensch. While T.S Eliot is regressive  compared to Nietzsche he tries to find answer in different ways to overcome from all problems .T.S Eliot talks to look backward into the past because any how past is connected with the present time. " The Wasteland " by T. S Eliot is also trying to compare the myth or past incidents with the contemporary time's issues. He gave different myths in The Waste land.

2.Prior to the speech, Gustaf Hellstrom of the Swedish Academy made these remarks:
What are your views regarding these comments? Is it true that giving free vent to the repressed 'primitive instinct' lead us to happy and satisfied life? or do you agree with Eliot's view that 'salvation of man lies in the preservation of the cultural tradition'?

My views are neutral on both statements one given by Freud and another given by T.S Eliot 
Freud talks about individuality and tells about
Primitive instinct where as Eliot talks about 
the person who wants to save themselves from evil or sin have to preserve the culture and traditions . Eliot views are also true because it helps to stop chaos in society and one live can  peacefully. And on other side Freud statement is also true because individuals thinking is also necessary. 

3.Write about allusions to the Indian thoughts in 'The Waste Land'. 

1.Ganga was sunken, and the limp leaves Waited for rain, while the black clouds Gathered far distant, over Himavant. The jungle crouched, humped in silence. Then spoke the thunder"

There is reference of Ganga which is Indian holy river and also himavant which means perhaps Himalaya. And also Indian
 mythology is used here. 

2.Fire Sermon 

The concept of Fire Sermon is taken from Adittapariyaya Sutta, a sacred book of Buddhism. In which Buddha preaches a sermon called The Fire Sermon. Giving up the world and leading a holy life" or "freedom from lust, craving and desires." For which particular word Detachment is used. 

To Carthage then I came

Burning burning burning burning

O Lord Thou pluckest me out

O Lord Thou pluckest


So, The word burning pointed out detachment from all the so called human desire. 

What the Thunder Said

"Datta, Dayadhvam and Damyata,

Shantih, Shantih, Shantih."

First Da for Datta ,Second Da for Damyta Third Da for Dayadhavam ,Which means Giver, Compassion, Self-Control .

Shantih is repeated three times for  getting freedom from all disturbance. Thus Eliot ends poem 'The Wasteland' with hope.

4) Is it possible to read 'The Waste Land' as a Pandemic Poem.

Yes it is possible T.S. Eliot in his poem, The Waste Land. Eliot wrote it in the aftermath of the Spanish Flu and the first world war between 1918 and 1920.It was published in 1922 three years after World War One, The Waste Land records the horror of the aftermath. Composed of five parts and a total of 433 lines.

 The poem weaves in various myths and allusions to depict intense emotions, highlighting the consciousness of the alienated human mind. There are several lines in the poem that resonate today, one hundred years later.

Eliot could have meant by describing April, the beginning of spring in most of the western hemisphere, as the cruelest month; and realized for the first time that he was referring to hope and disappointment. Hope could hurt and the advent of spring could hurt by not getting realized. T. S. Eliot and his wife, Vivien caught the virus in December 1918. Eliot’s attack was comparatively mild, though in a letter to his mother on December 8, 1918, he writes that it left him “so very weak afterwards.” Vivien then caught it and was much sicker; the virus, Eliot wrote, “affected her nerves so that she can hardly sleep at all.

”Globally, the pandemic killed between 50 and 100 million people, and the United States suffered more deaths in the pandemic than in World War I, World War II. The pandemic changed public life closing schools, and businesses and filling the hospitals as the coronavirus is doing now.

I.A Richards:- Verbal Analysis

Verbal Analysis 

Ivor Armstrong Richards 26 February 1893 – 7 September 1979, known as I. A. Richards, was an English educator, literary critic, and rhetorician. His work contributed to the foundations of the New Criticism, a formalist movement in literary theory which emphasized the close reading of a literary text, especially poetry, in an effort to discover how a work of literature functions as a self-contained and self-referential aesthetic object.

Four Kinds of Meaning:

According to I.A. Richard, words carry four kinds of meaning or to be more precise, the total meaning of a word depends upon four factors, i.e. sense, feeling, tone and intention.

1. Sense 

Sense is what is said, or the ‘items’ referred to by a writer. 

2. Feeling 

Feeling refers to emotions, emotional attitudes, will, desire, pleasure, displeasure and the rest. When we say something we have a feeling about it, “an attitude towards it, some special direction, bias or accentuation of interest towards it, some personal or coloring of feeling”. Words express “these feelings, these nuances of interest”.
3. Tone

Tone is the writer’s attitude to his readers or audience. The use of language is determined by the writer’s ‘recognition’ of his relation to his readers.

4. Intention 

 Intention is the writer’s aim, which may be conscious or unconscious. It refers to the effect that he tries to produce. This purpose modifies the expression. It controls the emphasis, shapes the arrangement, or draws attention to something of importance. 

Poem A Red ,Red Rose
by Robert Burns

O my Luve is like a red, red rose

  That’s newly sprung in June;

O my Luve is like the melody

   That’s sweetly played in tune.

So fair art thou, my bonnie lass,

   So deep in luve am I;

And I will luve thee still, my dear,

   Till a’ the seas gang dry.

Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,

   And the rocks melt wi’ the sun;

I will love thee still, my dear,

   While the sands o’ life shall run.

And fare thee weel, my only luve!

   And fare thee weel awhile!

And I will come again, my luve,

   Though it were ten thousand mile.

Verbal Analysis of Poem

There are different kinds of love , love for country, parental love, etc. But in the reference of this poem, it is about romantic love. 

In the first stanza, the speaker compares his love to two things. First, he compares her to a fresh red rose, second, he compares her to a nicely played melody. 

While the first comparison describes her beauty, the second one tells us about her temperament. She is a very beautiful lady with a nice temperament and a kind heart.

In the second and third stanzas the speaker wants to assure his beloved about his infinite and never ending love for her. In the second stanza, he promises her that he will love her till all the seas go dry, which is impossible. In the third stanza again, he promises to love her till rock melts with the sun. 

In the last line of the third stanza we find him telling her that he would love till the last day of his life.

He uses the imagery of seas drying, rocks melting with the sun and, finally 'the sands of life running'. 

He uses such imageries to express his unbound and never ending love for her. Through such images he has been successful in expressing his eternal love for her.

Symbolism is the use to represent ideas or qualities. Symbolism gives a symbolic meaning of different from of literal meanings. Here the use of 'red rose' is an example of it. Red rose stands for love and romance. Here rose symbolizes love between the speaker and his beloved.

Imagery is presentation of something that can be understood through five senses. The poet used three (visual) imageries in this poem. They are :
"O my love is like a red, red rose"

"And the rocks melt wi' the sun!"

"While the sands o' life shall run."

Hyperbole is a device used to exaggerate something than it really is. 
Here the poet has used hyperbole in two places :

1. "Till a' seas gang dry". This is hyperbole because seas will never dry. 

2. "And the rocks melt wi' the sun". This is a hyperbole because rocks never melt.

The tone of this poem is 'exalting love'. It is passionate, loving and celebratory. He tells how much he loves his beloved. In the last stanza he assures her of their infinite love. 

Here writer uses figurative language to express his love toward beloved. He compares to ' A Red Red Rose'. And also tells he will love her till the seas becomes dry and rocks melt which is impossible because sea never dry`s and rocks never melt. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Robert Frost and Bob Dylan

                            Bob Dylan

Robert Dylan is an American singer-songwriter, author and visual artist. Often regarded as one of the greatest songwriters of all time, Dylan has been a major figure in popular culture during a career spanning 60 years. Much of his most celebrated work dates from the 1960s, when songs such as "Blowing' in the Wind" (1963) and "The Times They Are a-Changing" (1964) became anthems for the civil rights and anti -war movements. In 2016 he was awarded The Nobel Prize in Literature .

Robert Frost 

Robert Lee Frost was an American poet. His work was initially published in England before it was published in the United States. Frost was honored frequently during his lifetime and is the only poet to receive four Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry. He became one of America's rare "public literary figures, almost an artistic institution".[3] He was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal in 1960 for his poetic works. On July 22, 1961, Frost was named poet laureate of Vermont.

Thinking Activity 

1.)Write down the message you want to give from your lyrics.
Ans) Message behind the Song Khwabon ke Parindey is based on freedom. Freedom is the choice to live our life on our own way .
How we want to live, what we want to eat by choice and to learn what our heart desires. This means that freedom can apply to different aspects of life and that freedom is  an absolute term. Freedom is about respect and living free.

Freedom is based on three different aspects 
1.The first kind of freedom is “freedom from,” a freedom from the constraints of society.

2.Second, is “freedom to,” a freedom to do what we want to do. 

3.Thirdly, there is “freedom to be,” a freedom, not just to do what we want, but a freedom to be who we were meant to be.

For example freedom is a bird being let out of a cage and flying freely. 
This was  the message behind the Song(lyrics) khwabon ke Parindey .

2.)Which Poem/Song of Bob Dylan/Robert Frost is relatable with your Video. Why?
Ans) Poem written by Robert Frost The freedom of Moon . This poem of Robert Frost is based on freedom of humanity.
     The speaker in Frost poem demonstrates the complete freedom of humanity by dramatizing the ability of the human mind to use its physical body paradoxically to relocate the moon's positions. The freedom of the moon heralds the greater freedom of humankind. 
     The message behind the Song khwabon ke Parindey is also based on freedom .  This poem  is related to my video.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Frame Studies on The Great Dictator and Modern Times

                    Charlie Chaplin 

Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin Jr. KBE was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame in the era of silent film. He became a worldwide icon through his screen persona, the Tramp, and is considered one of the film industry's most important figures.

The Great Dictator 
The Great Dictator is a 1940 American satirical comedy-drama film written, directed, produced, scored by, and starring British comedian Charlie Chaplin, following the tradition of many of his other films. Having been the only Hollywood filmmaker to continue to make silent films well into the period of sound films, Chaplin made this his first true sound film.

  • Charlie Chaplin (Adenoid Hynkel/Jewish Barber)
  • Paulette Goddard (Hannah)
  • Jack Oakie (Benzini Napoloni)
  • Reginald Gardner (Commander Schulz)
  • Henry Daniell (Garbitsch)
  • Billy Gilbert (Herring)
Frame studies

In this image we can see  how the Jew were boycotted.  And even outside their walls of shop we can see the identity is shown JEW is made to categorize. And in movie we can see they are writing and the barber is rubbing and again they are writing.
In this image we can see that the Barber (Jew)is helping the officer but then we can see how that same party was even harassing him when came back to Gettho. 

In this image we can see that to hide his/her  evils they try to take children in their hands clicks photos with them. And try to play with them and show some sympathy towards kids.

This image symbolize to free the Jew from  Gettho. And live with freedom not in Gettho (cage).

In this image we can see barber has arrived and the both dictators continously trying to make their seats up. So this image shows the ego between two dictator .
The Great Dictator played on Chaplin’s dual-roles by creating a scenario of mistaken identity, where the Jewish Barber is assumed to be Hynkel and rushed to a speech following the regime’s recent occupational triumph. This gives the Jewish Barber an opportunity to promote unity end oppressive rule ,instead of Hynkel's hatred. “We want to live by each others’ happiness, not by each others’ misery”, the Jewish Barber stated. This was Chaplin’s definitive statement against Nazism, rejecting their racial superiority and instead wished to promote a united humanity.

And in last scene after the speech of Babar the hope of freedom is seen in Jew people. 

Modern Times is a 1936 American silent comedy film written and directed by Charlie Chaplin in which his iconic Little Tramp character struggles to survive in the modern, industrialized world. The film is a commentary on the desperate employment and financial conditions many people faced during the Great Depression — conditions created, in Chaplin's view, by the efficiencies of modern industrialization. The movie stars Chaplin, Paulette Goddard, Henry Bergman, Tiny Sandford and Chester Conklin. It is notable for being the last time that Chaplin portrayed the Tramp character and for being the first time Chaplin's voice is heard on film.

Brief Summary of Modern Times 

A factory production line worker is thrown out on the street for his manic behavior . He then meets a young, homeless girl, who is recently orphaned, and tries to build a home with her. 

This clock show the daily routine of the workers. Working from 8 in the morning to till 6 in evening. 

Due to invention of machinery equipment people have  been unemployed and are in search of their jobs. All going in one direction. 

Machine makes man work easy boss  can sit at his place and easily observe his workers.
Without moving around

Masculine man who handles all the machinery on order of his boss command .He open and closes and even manages the speed of machine. 

In movie we can see an girl is hunger and stealing bananas .And even passing to the children who are hungry. So we can say unemployment leads to Starving. 

These moments reflect The Tramp’s and the Gamin’s satisfaction for basic necessities during the Great Depression. They had to face inequality every day of their lives, so having basic necessities gave them happiness in contrast to the aims of American industry and individual enterprise.

Unemployment  leads people to do bad activities such as smuggling of nose powder. Such  drugs are costlier so, addictive people find ways to smuggle them. It is also a short cut to earn money in short time.

This shows the comparison between rich and poor. Even in broken  house 
poor lives and they tries to fulfill their dream. And they are in hope that one day we might also get fulfilled our dream to live luxurious life like rich. 

The final scene shows them being together and walking on a silent road. And at last we can see the rays of hope in movie.

Ecocriticism/Green Studies

INTRODUCTION TO ECOCRITICISM/GREEN STUDIES  Ecocriticism is the latest and the newest type of theory in criticism which has evol...