Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Sultan's Reality

Sultan's Reality 

Sultana’s Dream, the 1905 science-fiction short story of feminist utopia by Begum Rokeya Sakhawat Hossein, Sultana’s Reality explores the inner lives of the first generation of women to be educated in pre-independent India.

 The animated project, by Goa-based artist Afrah Shafiq, is a captivating Alice in Wonderland-style adventure exploring the relationship between women and books in India. Using gifs, music, videos, statistics, comics, and little hidden notes of history, she tells the stories of women who challenged societal conventions .

Andarmehel concept of universe woman.

In concept of Andarmehel even after woman were living inside they were happily doing their own work trying to learn new things doing their own creativity. But in case some woman should also felt if they were kept in prison . But with the point of view of animated project by artist Afrah Shafiq we can give view that most of woman would be happily doing  their work .

Observation of females and their connection with books. 

 Following an Alice in Wonderland style adventure the interactive multimedia installation brings to life accounts of different women – who would rather nap than read, who were stoned in the streets for wearing shoes and carrying umbrellas, who read forbidden texts in secret at night, who read and then challenged the very ideas they read… and those who went on to write books - telling their story in their own words. The books they wrote reveal a universe of women’s lives as they were actually lived – outside the confines of bad and good behavior. The women in the books and the books in the women were full of messiness, intimacy, cynicism, humor, anger, dreams, beauty and love - and all of it together makes up their history, and this story.

Sultana’s Reality is perhaps an exercise in questioning history. Not the history of the image, but a history that is constructed with the image.

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