Sunday, October 10, 2021

Question Answer on Frankenstein Novel

Q-1 why Victor was not able to accept his dream experiment and it's result?
Ans-1 Victor has a dream to make a creature like human he did the work of God. After making creature and he gave life to the creature. After seeing the creature he himself was afraid by seeing his own creation and felt ill. And he left creature alone and that resulted Creature into Monster. Because no one ready to accept him.

Q-2 what made Creature a Monster ?
Ans-2 After making a creature Victor left creature alone. Even society was ready to accept him for his hideous look which Victor gave him. And after moving around Society Creature started learning things and he wanted a lady companion. Victor ignored so creature killed Elizabeth the bride of Victor. 
So this made Creature a Monster. 

Q-3Why society has rejected Victor's idea of experiment?
Ans-3 A human cannot create a original human by his/her power it's created naturally. Victor's professor denied him but then to he made a creature which was his dream. Creature has many scars on his face and his look was hideous. Victor was frightened by his own creation then how would the society accept creature. Due to ugly look of creature society rejected experiment. 

Q-4 Can appearance overpower reality?
Ans-4 No appearance cannot over reality we cannot judge the book by it's cover. But society has judged the creature by it's outer look not by inner look.  Creature was innocent like a child. After seeing the society creature started processing thoughts. So appearance cannot overpower reality. 

Q-5 who is suffering from deformation in novel?Which kind of deformity and disability is there ? Who decides what deformity is?
Ans-5 Creature is physically deform but major deformity is society. By judging the looks they rejected the creature but in real sense Creature was innocent but by outer look he was suffering from deformity. 

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