Saturday, April 16, 2022

War Poetry

                      War Poetry 

1.What is war poetry?
War poetry is, simply put, poetry that deals with the subject of war. War poems capture the darkest moments in human history, and also the most luminous.The war poetry of Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, Isaac Rosenberg, Edmund Blunden, Robert Graves, Edward Thomas and Ivor Gurney among others, marks a transition in English cultural history.

2.Note down the difference of all the War Poets.

Ivor Gurney:- Gurney was a musician and a poet, who combined his skills at song writing and wordplay.

Siegfried Sassoon:-His poetry both described the horrors of the trenches and satirised the patriotic pretensions of those who, in Sassoon's view, were responsible for a jingoism-fuelled war.

Wilfrid Wilson Gibson:-His poems often focus on the lives of the working class. This, again, was based on the idea of making poetry more honest and accessible to everyone.

Rupert Brooke:- Rupert Brooke wrote his poems in neo-Romantic style, inspired by the style of Georgian poets. 

Wilfred Owen:-Owen's war poems are written in a very simple, eloquent and straightforward manner in a language that is common among the soldiers. However, his use of metaphor and personification adds to the new style he has developed for treating his subject matter.

3.Compare any two poems with reference to
subject, style of writing and patriotism. 

  Poem Dulce et decorum est
Wilfred Edward Salter Owen MC was an English poet and soldier. He was one of the leading poets of the First World War.

 Wilfred Owen does not have a particularly large body of verse, but many of his poems are considered among the best war poetry ever written in the English language. He is often compared to Keats and Shelley, and was influenced by Tennyson and Byron. He began writing at a young age, showing interest in conventional subjects, but demonstrating a keen sense for sound and rhythm.

Dulce et Decorum est" is a poem written by Wilfred Owen during World War I, and published posthumously in 1920. The Latin title is taken from Ode 3.2 (Valor) of the Roman poet Horace and means "it is sweet and fitting". It is followed by pro patria mori, which means "to die for one's country".
The main subject in “Dulce et Decorum Est” are the limits of patriotism and the realities of war. The limits of patriotism: The ideals of war spread by patriotism and propaganda, Owen argues, serve only to perpetuate the suffering of those who fight.

Style of writing 
The style of "Dulce et Decorum est" is similar to the French ballade poetic form. The rhyme scheme of “Dulce et Decorum Est” is, of course, ababcdcd, etc. (the traditional pattern of an English sonnet prior to the turn), but Owen does not complete the turn by ending on a rhyming couplet.

 The full phrase which Owen uses to close his poem is dulce et decorum est pro patria mori, which can be loosely translated, “it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country.” Owen consciously works to undermine this noble statement of patriotism by showing the ignominy of death in modern war.
 Dulce et decorum est is simply patriotic propaganda to get young innocent men to fight for the fatherland, or in other words, a despicable lie that sends innocent youth to their graves.

The Soldier 
The Soldier" is a poem written by Rupert Brooke. The poem is the fifth in a series of poems entitled 1914. It was published in 1915 in the book 1914 and Other Poems. It is often contrasted with Wilfred Owen's 1917 antiwar poem "Dulce et Decorum est". The manuscript is located at King's College, Cambridge.

 The Soldier” is a war sonnet written by the poet Rupert Brooke. The poem has a patriotic approach. The thoughts of a soldier towards his motherland with his immense desire to sacrifice his life is also reflected in the poem.

The poet admires England and expresses his gratitude to it. The poet is describing about some foreign land, which is the part of England and on which he will be buried after his death. He wants a peaceful country and there would be no war between the two countries. According to him the surroundings of England is just like heaven as he says, “under an English heaven”.

Style of writing:-

“The Soldier” borrows from both the Italian, or Petrarchan(EFG EFG) , sonnet tradition and the Elizabethan, or Shakespearean, tradition(ABAB CDCD) . Like a Petrarchan sonnet, Brooke's poem is divided into two main parts, the octave and the sestet.


It is a deeply patriotic and idealistic poem that expresses a soldier's love for his homeland—in this case England, which is portrayed as a kind of nurturing paradise.

4.Do you find any such regional poem/movies/web series/songs which can be compared to any one of the poems given here. Also, give a proper explanation of the similarity. 

I would like to compare bollywood  song Desh Mere song with poem the soldier .

Song Desh Mere 
ओ, देस मेरे, तेरी शान पे सदके
कोई धन है क्या तेरी धूल से बढ़ के?
तेरी धूप से रोशन, तेरी हवा पे ज़िंदा
तू बाग़ है मेरा, मैं तेरा परिंदा
है अर्ज़ ये दीवाने की, जहाँ भोर सुहानी देखी
एक रोज़ वहीं मेरी शाम हो
कभी याद करे जो ज़माना, माटी पे मर-मिट जाना
ज़िक्र में शामिल मेरा नाम हो
ओ, देस मेरे, तेरी शान पे सदके
कोई धन है क्या तेरी धूल से बढ़ के?
तेरी धूप से रोशन, तेरी हवा पे ज़िंदा
तू बाग़ है मेरा, मैं तेरा परिंदा
आँचल तेरा रहे, माँ, रंग-बिरंगा, ओ-ओ
ऊँचा आसमाँ से हो तेरा तिरंगा
जीने की इजाज़त दे-दे या हुक्म-ए-शहादत दे-दे
मंज़ूर हमें जो भी तू चुने
रेशम का हो मधुशाला या कफ़न सिपाही वाला
ओढ़ेंगे हम जो भी तू बुने
ओ, देस मेरे, तेरी शान पे सदके
कोई धन है क्या तेरी धूल से बढ़ के?
तेरी धूप से रोशन, तेरी हवा पे ज़िंदा
तू बाग़ है मेरा, मैं तेरा परिंदा.

Poem The Soldier 

If I should die, think only this of me:

That there's some corner of a foreign field

That is for ever England. There shall be

In that rich earth a richer dust concealed;

A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware,

Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam,

A body of England's, breathing English air,

Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home.


And think, this heart, all evil shed away,

A pulse in the eternal mind, no less

Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given;

Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day;

And laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness,

In hearts at peace, under an English heaven.

Comparison between between song and poem. 

“The Soldier” explores the bond between a patriotic British soldier and his homeland. Through this soldier's passionate discussion of his relationship to England, the poem implies that people are formed by their home environment and culture, and that their country is something worth defending with their life.

Oh My Motherland, Is There Anything I Can Offer YouNothing Is Worth More Than Your Dust(Here "Dust" Represents Love And Courage For The Country).Your Air(Thanks Motherland For Providing Such A Beautiful Place)You (Here "You" Represents To Motherland).There Is Only One Request From Your SonWhere I Had Born (Started My Life)I Could Take My Last Breath At That Place Only.Can I Go (Return) Home To Celebrate Our Victory OrMy Body (Wrapping In Shrouds) Will Reach My HouseWhatever You Choose I Will Accept.

Both song and poem are based on their Homeland and the Soldier ,so this are the similarities between poem and song.

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