Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Novella:-Animal Farm by George Orwell

Animal Farm by George Orwell
Animal Farm is a beast fable, in the form of a satirical allegorical novella, by George Orwell, first published in England on 17 August 1945. It tells the story of a group of farm animals who rebel against their human farmer, hoping to create a society where the animals can be equal, free, and happy. Ultimately, the rebellion is betrayed, and under the dictatorship of a pig named Napoleon, the farm ends up in a state as bad as it was before.

Mr. Jones, a harsh and drunken farmer, manages Manor Farm. The animals gather one day to hear Old Major, a wise old pig, speak. Old Major delivers a speech in which he urges animals to revolt against their farmers. The proposition enthralled the animals. A few days later, Old Major passes away. The most intelligent creatures of the farm, the pigs, begin plotting a revolt. Snowball and Napoleon are in charge.

The animals revolt against Mr. Jones and take over the farm three months later. The name of the farm is changed to "Animal Farm." They agree that the farm will now be run entirely by animals, a system they refer to as "animalism." They decide to run the farm according to seven commandments, the most important of which is "All animals are equal." The phrase "four legs good, two legs bad" becomes a popular sheep song. Mr. Jones and his friends attack the farm in an attempt to reclaim it, but the animals drive them away in the "Battle of the Cowshed." Mr. Jones flees. They never see him again.

Snowball and Napoleon had a falling out because they have opposing viewpoints on how Animal Farm should be run. Napoleon disagrees with Snowball's ideas to build a windmill. Napoleon trains nine puppies into ferocious dogs. They will be his servants and plans to employ them to chase Snowball off the land once they are fully grown. He eventually seizes control of the farm and runs it alone (as a dictator). While a pig named Squealer constantly persuades the animals that everything is OK and that they should support Napoleon. At the same time, Napoleon uses the dogs to kill any animal that does not agree with him.

Napoleon reconsiders his position and chooses to construct a windmill, claiming that it was his idea all along. The first windmill they built failed. Napoleon accuses Snowball of this (and other issues). Snowball, he claims, is snooping around Animal Farm and destroying everything. For "being in contact with Snowball," many animals are murdered mercilessly. Napoleon begins working with humans outside, despite the fact that this was previously forbidden. One of them is their next-door neighbor, Mr. Frederick, a farmer. He sends a group of men to the farm. They destroy the second windmill. In the "Battle of the Windmill," the animals fight them off at considerable cost.

Boxer, their strongest horse, loses his power due to old age and collapses as the animals were building the third windmill. Despite the fact that Boxer was faithful to Napoleon, he is sent to be killed. The pigs continue to cooperate with people and begin to adopt human characteristics, such as living in the farmhouse and walking on two legs. The sheep are taught a new chant: "Four legs are good, two legs better." "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others," replaces the previously set commandments. Eventually, some animals observe the pigs conversing with a group of people and conclude that they cannot identify which is which.

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