Friday, October 14, 2022

The Curse or Karna

                  T.P Kailasam 

Tyagraj Paramasiva Iyer Kailasam, was a playwright and prominent writer of Kannada literature. His contribution to Kannada theatrical comedy earned him the title Prahasana Prapitamaha, "the father of humorous plays" and later he was also called "Kannadakke Obbane Kailasam" meaning "One and Only Kailasam for Kannada". 

Subaltern Theory

By the term 'subaltern' conventionally denotes an inferior military rank, it is more generally used as "a name for the general attribute of subordination in South Asian society' often expressed in terms of caste and gender as it is being acquired, at birth and is non-changeable. The term 'Subaltern' was coined by Ranjit Guha and later it was adopted by Marxist Antonio Gramsci and further it was discussed by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak in her essay 'Can the Subaltern Speak? People consider Subaltern as the unrepresented group of people in the society, people of inferior race, not fit for making any real contribution to the society and therefore they cannot speak, but subaltern can speak but others do not have the patience to listen to them.

1.Karna the voice of subaltern.
He refers to the Populations that are socially. politically and geographically outside of the legitimate power structure of the colony and of the colonial homeland.Tragic character with Tragic fate.Marginalized by gurus, warriors, princes, panchalee, kings.His identity was as Marginalised people, he deserved to be at centre but his struggle and society caused his death.Illegitimate, Abandoned, Lowborn.

Downstream, Adhiratha was sitting on a rock, hoping to catch a fish for the midday meal. He was a gentleman, a charioteer by trade, and his wife Radha was a gentle and good woman. They were often sad, however, for they were unable to have children. Adhiratha cast the line out over the river and sighed again, he waded out into the current and caught hold of the basket. His surprise knew no bounds when he discovered the sleeping newborn baby inside the boat. When Radha saw the tiny baby lying peacefully asleep, she was overjoyed and said to her husband, "Swamy, it seems that our prayers have been answered. We will keep this baby and bring him up as our own". He replied I agree with you. He is a gift from God in answer to our prayers. In fact, he himself is Godlike with these divine earrings and armor. After consultation with the Brahmins, he was named Vasushena since he was wearing a Vasu He also came to be known as Radheya or the son of Radha, and more famously as Karna. Radheya was outgrowing like every other young boy of his age in the village.

special features and personality, anybody could see that the boy did not quite belong to the category of ordinary village lads. Because of his strength and skills at any kind of game, nobody would mess up with him and he became a natural leader in the village. Although he soon lose interest in the games that other boys played, while at home he would shape beautiful clay toys. Outside the home he would be interested in wrestling or cut stout branches of trees, shaping them into bows and arrows and shooting them at imaginary targets. Seeing his son in such getup Adhiratha decided to provide him a formal education. Adhiratha was particularly tense, as he recalled how Dronacharya had initially refused to do anything with a Suta Putra, and how he had to seek the intervention of King Dhritarashtra himself. 

Even after the royal intercession, Guru Dronacharya had only agreed to impart basic education and training in arms to his son. In due course both father and son entered the hut of Guru Dronacharya and touched his feet with due reverence. Karna was lodged in the section reserved for ordinary pupils and away from the section reserved for princes and other high caste students.

After a few days when Adhiratha visited his son in his lodgings, he found him tense and somewhat angry as well. Before entering the room, he had assured him that his son was very bright and a quick learner. But on entering the room he found him in a different frame of mind which made him apprehensive. On being asked, Karna started asking all sorts of questions with his father. He asked. "Baba is it a crime to be a Suta-Putra? Why do scriptures sanction this class-based discrimination? Why the princes and other so called upper-class students should be given better food, better lodgings, and better education as compared to students like me, who seem to have an inborn stigma attached to their names? Where does my fault lie in all this?"

To console Karna Adhiratha sensibly replied, "My dear son, during your education you will surely study scriptures and find out for yourself that they don't sanction any kind of discrimination. These divisions are all manmade and tools used by those people who wield power to subjugate those who are weak and less fortunate. Let me assure you, my son, being a Suta is not a crime. We earn our living by fair means and struggle hard to make both ends meet. Be assured there is no dishonor involved in all this. But you and I are not able to change the system. My advice to you is that you can earn recognition by hard work and dedication and outshine everyone with your superior capabilities. For that, you must work very hard and convert your anger into the will to overcome the handicap of discrimination. I am sure one day you would achieve such heights as are aspired for only by the best .

2.Interpret the 'End' of all acts and scenes.

Act 1

At the very last moment of his departure from the ashram he loses all he has earned during his stay there. Guru parshuram is sleeping and karna puts his head on his lap with tender  concern for his teacher. Suddenly a wasp comes on his lap and starts sucking blood from karana's thigh but he does not disturb the sleep of his guru. But somehow the blood from his thing oozes off the guru .Seeing this extraordinary tolerance and patience parasurama instantly concludes that such a youth cannot be brahmins , as he has pretended to be;  he must be no other than a kshatriya. Gets angry to the extent of cursing this sincere disciple thus…. And for thy dastard of lie , list to a brahmins curse.

Karna was powerful then Arjun.Competition between Karna and Arjun.But as a sooth putra he was disqualified all Kshatriya and at to end act two with the reminding his suth identity by Bheema he again loose his focus from goal and Collapses into Gaandhara’s arms.

About Draupadi swayamvar. She denies to marry sooth putra .After listening this harsh words again and fainted in the lap of king, the king murmured,

About Kaurva's and Pandava's battle for throne. They were paying gamble.
Looses the game .They harass Draupadi in front of all but no one raised the voice but Karna raised the voice for her. But Suyodhana remind him of his sooth identity. Bheem blames him for not saving her so he tells about the curse given by Rama.

About battlefield where kunti comes and tell him about his real identity and even asked to save Arjun so he accepted the proposal and karana died on behalf of Arjun.The act end with dilogue by Aswattha and Maadra,

3 - Is moral conflict and Hamartia there in Karna's Character?

In the beginning of the play we came to know that Karna was a disciple of Parsuram.  The complexity and caste are found in this play when Parsuram gave him a curse. We all know that Parsuram gave him because he was not Bramhin putra.

Karna was powerful then  Arjun.Competition between Karna and Arjun.But as a sooth putra he was disqualified all Kshatriya and at to end act two with the reminding his suth identity by Bheema he again loose his focus from goal and Collapses into Gaandhara’s arms.

In battlefield where kunti comes and tell him about his real identity and even asked to save Arjun so he accepted the proposal and karana died on behalf of Arjun.

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